Would you like to have a chat?

Feel free to contact us if you have any feedback or question.

Send an email or message us using the form below.

GIVE US A CALL 0457 662 541


Once you fill out the form we will get back to you asap during work hours.

Ready to book a consultation service with Helen?

Do you have questions?

Find the answers to our most frequently asked questions on the right. Click on the question to see the answer.

Also head back up to the contact us section to ask another question!

  • Cash on the day of the consultation or we will send you an invoice where payment can be made by direct deposit into our bank account.

  • A consultation typically takes up to 2 hours depending on the size of the property. The follow-up photo prep appointment takes 1 hour.

  • No, but we contact you beforehand to

    discuss any questions you may have.